Why you might not be able to book what you want.

There are a few reasons why our booking system might stop you buying the class of table you want on the date you want. Here are some of the main ones.

Minimum party sizes

If you are trying to book 2 tickets, you can't book Basic Bitch, as that requires a minimum party size of 4. All other table classes have a minimum party size of 2.

It is not possible to book single tickets.

We are completely Sold Out

Frequently, we run out of tickets. How soon this happens depends on the season and the performance you're looking to attend, but the morning shows on Saturday and Sunday are the busiest. If you want those, get them early. When we are sold out, it means we have actually run out of furniture... there is nothing we can do to get you in. We do have a waitlist you can try, though.

The type of ticket you wanted is Sold Out

Even though we may show tickets are available, particular tables classes have different numbers available. We can sell out of Basic Bitch, for example, but still have Mean Girls available.

We have an operational capacity reduction

From time to time, the hotel reduces the number of seats available in a particular performance. This can happen when, for example, overwhelming heat means we have to close our outdoor performance space.