How does the waitlist work?

If you can't get into a show, we have a waitlist you can add yourself to.

Our waitlist service lets you be listed as available for a show in case seats open up. Here is how it works:

  1. You can add yourself to the list when you try to get tickets for a performance that’s full.
  2. If we are more than 4 hours from the start time, we will automatically charge your card and issue you your seats as soon as we have an opening in your performance that matches. You should note that if you are adding yourself to the waitlist, you are telling us that you will accept the seats if we can give them to you at least 4 hours in advance. 
  3. If we are less than 4 hours from the start time, we will start calling and texting those on the waitlist to see if they can make the performance. The first group we find that accepts the tickets, gets them.
  4. If we haven't been able to clear you from the waitlist, you will get a note from us saying this 2 hours before the performance was due to commence. If we have availability for other performance that week this note will offer you that availability too.

Cancelling a waitlist entry

Just contact guest services, we can do this for you.

Refund availability if you are moved from wait to confirmed

You will probably be moved into confirmed from the waitlist less than 24 hours before your brunch. This means cancellation for a full refund will most likely not be possible. We are able to get authority from the venue to refund waitlist tickets in exceptional cases only.