What discounts are available?

We have a range of discounts, most of which are available infrequently. But you might get lucky.

Large Group Discounts

We offer discounts for parties greater than 15. Please reach out to us on chat or at service@psdragbrunch.com to discuss your requirements 1:1 if your party is this size or larger. The discount can be very substantial for groups larger than 30.

Discounts by Coupon Code

We occasionally offer discounted tables, and when we do, they are advertised online with a coupon code. They are usually offered in conjunction with holidays.

Military Discount

We have a military discount of 10% available all the time- to get it, call guest services and provide whatever proof is needed by the team there.

Walk-Ins & Lightning Sales

When we have excess inventory, we offer discounts in two ways:

  • Lightning sales, which are discounts offered to last-minute buyers who make new reservations. They are significant, but not as exciting as:
  • Walk-ins. See this articlefor a full description of how and when we allow walk-ins. In general, when we offer walk-ins, the discount can be as high as 20% off the going price. If we are offering walk-ins, they will be visible only on our website.