Who are the permanent cast & staff of PS Drag Brunch?

Here are the queens and staff you will certainly see when you come to Brunch.

Permanent Cast

Rosemary Galore, Principal Queen and Bitch in Charge

Rosemary touches everything to do with Brunch. She hand-selects the guest performer and reviews the other Queens. Responsible for all aspects of the delivery of Drag Brunch on the day, she is like a great big spider, watching everyone and everything to make sure it is all perfect for you. Read more about Rosemary here.

Alexa Kamryn-Galore, First Daughter.

Known for her spectacular Sha-Blam between the tables and stylish Ballroom dancing style. She was the first daughter selected by Rosemary for Haus Galore and is usually in charge of the production on the occasions where Rosemary is not around. 

Kiki Masters, Haus Galore Scary One.

You should be scared, everyone is. Kiki is not only divine, but she’s also the one who keeps everyone else in line. Known for an extremely provocative performance involving participation from the audience, she's the one that creates the explosive scenes everyone wants their friends to be a part of.

IN MEMORIUM: Paige Matthews, Celine Doppelganger

In February 2024, Paige Mathews Galore passed away unexpectedly. She was a one-of-a-kind artist, the spitting image of Celine Dion. Wickedly smart, Paige won a full ride at business school but moved on after graduation to become the fastest-growing new entrant in the California drag industry, excluding Rosemary herself. Her husband survives her and remains an important part of the Galore family. She is missed by all of us daily, and we know Paige is looking down on us and cheering on her sisters and Mother Rosemary.

PS Drag Brunch Production Staff

Jeff - DJ

Jeff runs the music, handles the change, distributes the merch, and does anything else that Rosemary and the cast need done on the showroom floor. When Kiki drops that gorgeous gown to reveal it all, it is Jeff who grabs it from the floor. Jeff is also the one who sprays bubbles around and is a general happy face even when a technical issue is causing the Queens to melt down.

Chris - Associate

Chris will occasionally be seen at PS Drag brunch performances and other Haus Galore events working either as a DJ or a tip collector or numerous other functions which help us make the show run. In real life, he is the partner of our star Paige Matthews Galore.

Haus Galore Leadership

What is Haus Galore? Read this article.

Liv P - Director of Operations and Guest Services

Liv is in charge of our guest services team. She is probably the one that made everything go right for you today and she is also the one who will receive your complaints if it did not. Prior to joining Haus Galore, she ran front of house for the Saguaro Hotel. She has a keen eye for detail and loves to hear about everything that could be improved at PS Drag Brunch. 

James G - CEO of Haus Galore

James and Rosemary started Haus Galore with a mission: to promote the art of Drag and make sure those who practice it could make a real living, appropriate for those who have to train for years before they can earn their first dollar. James is the business guy behind the scenes who is responsible for the money, the deals, the strategic plan, and everything else. Except for the shows and the performers. Those belong to Rosemary, and even James would never dare interfere there.