Split Payments: Each member of your party can pay for themselves

Groups coming to Drag Brunch often want to split the cost of their tickets among members of the party. Our split payment service, available at checkout, lets you do this easily.

If you're planning to attend Drag Brunch with a group, you can easily split the cost among your party members. Our service takes care of collecting the money from each person, and you'll receive updates as each individual pays. We handle all the details, allowing your guests to use their own card or preferred payment method.

Here's how it works: when you checkout, you provide us with a card to guarantee the booking. We'll place a temporary hold on your card for the full amount of the tickets. However, as soon as the first person in your group pays, the hold will be released.

In exchange for the hold, we'll send you a link that you can forward to all your other guests. This link will provide payment instructions for them. You don't have to worry about anything else – we'll take care of everything.

On the day of Brunch, if there's any outstanding balance, we'll automatically charge the card you initially provided to cover those guests who haven't paid yet. After that, it's your responsibility to collect the final payments and reimburse yourself.

We believe this payment option will save you a significant amount of time and hassle. Many people who have used it agree that it's incredibly convenient.

Guest services is available to answer any questions you might have on this.