Profanity and Adult Themes

Yes, it’s a Drag Show. So, there will be Lots of Adult Stuff.

The show is somewhat racy, as are all drag shows. You should expect profanity and adult themes, both spoken and acted. The vast majority of our guests enjoy these in the spirit they are intended, which is fun. Our performers are trained to read the guests they are interacting with and make sure their comfort level is maintained at all times. This includes during various segments when guests may be involved themselves in the performance.

Content Examples

While these examples may seem provocative, in fact the presentation is highly stylized and typical of drag culture. Similarities to behaviors that might appear in sexual scenarios is intended, but the intent is to shock and amuse, not to arouse.

For example:

  • The hostess will repeatedly use the term "fuck" and other profane words like it casually as part of the monologue.   PSDragBrunch230318-35
  • There may be simulations of sexual acts between performers and guests, with consent.
  • There can be actual physical contact between performers and guests in ways designed to appear risqué and outside social norms, again with consent.
  • There will be "shade", which is a drag queen art form where an audience member is insulted in a comedic fashion, though without malice.
  • The costumes of the performers may emphasize female characteristics in an exaggerated fashion. Usually this will not include genitalia, except in especially stylized ways to enhance a comedic point.PS Drag Brunch 230402-026
  • From time to time, performers may use their performances to comment on day-to-day events that are political or social, and in so doing might cause offense to some guests inadvertently.