What to do if you were not sent any photos?

Our photography distribution systems use AI to match your face to the photographs we took. Sometimes, it makes mistakes. Here is how to get your photos after your Brunch.

Our photography distribution system utilizes artificial intelligence (AI). Similar to other AI systems, this one occasionally makes mistakes, resulting in you not receiving your photos.

If you believe you are in photos but did not receive them, here are a few things to check:

  1. Have you registered your face on our website? You can do so by visiting the photography page at any time before, during, or after your brunch.
  2. If you have registered your face, the issue may be with the quality of the photograph you provided. Scroll down the page and you will find a section that allows us to "find" your photographs for you. You will need to provide a new photograph for us to search with.

To ensure you receive your photos, please follow these guidelines for your face photograph:

  • The photograph should be taken directly facing the camera.
  • You should be in natural lighting with minimal shadows.
  • The image should primarily focus on your face. A close up works best.
  • If you still do not receive any photos, consider the following:
  • If you wear glasses, please continue wearing them, but avoid wearing sunglasses or anything that covers your eyes.
  • It is best if your hair is not covered.

If you continue to experience difficulties in receiving photos even after using the "find my photos" tool, we will need to manually search for them. Please contact Guest Service a day or two after using the tool, and we will assist you promptly.

We hope you enjoy the PS Drag Brunch photography service. We'll continue to work on it, so it is more accurate in the future.