How to access photography

Our professional photography is available to you during and after each brunch. Here is how to get it.

All our photography is loaded into our systems the day of Brunch. Some of it is available during brunch. There are two ways you'll get these images.

Sign up for live updates

There is a QR code and a signup link at our Photography page on our website. 

Scan the QR code with your phone or click the link. You'll be asked to upload a photo of your face.

Then give our systems either an email address or a number we can text you at. 

Every time our systems can match your face with an image in a photo we took, it will send the picture automatically to you.

Ask for help from a Guest Services Agent

All guests who attended are in our photos! If you are having trouble getting your photos after you have registered, reach out to us and we will be happy to help! We can look through all photos and find your group with just a selfie and a little information (i.e., where you sat, how many were in your party, etc.). While this can take some time, we are happy to help to ensure you get your photos. 

While no system is perfect, our photos are a fun part of drag brunch and we want to ensure we help you capture your special moments with our fabulous queens.