Feedback and Testimonial Requests

After you've been to Brunch, we might ask for your opinion on how we did.

After you have been to Brunch, we might ask you how you thought your experience went. There are two reasons we ask - firstly, we need to know when something went wrong with your experience, so we can fix it both for you as well as our next group of guests.  Secondly, if you had a great time, we'll want to share your comments with others.

Testimonial Requests

We will automatically send you a request for feedback in the hours after your Brunch. 

You should be aware that any feedback you provide us, including any photos, comments or star ratings may be used on our website or elsewhere for marketing purposes. If you provide feedback, you accept and acknowledge you agree to this use.

We are very grateful if you provide us such feedback as these testimonials are a huge driver of guest choice. They are so important that Rosemary Galore herself reads and responds to them all and then personally drives changes when things she finds out are not to her very high standards.

We encourage you to give us any and or all thoughts you have about your experience, good or bad.  Our tool will also let you post your feedback publicly to Google, Yelp, TripAdvisor and Facebook. 

We moderate and selectively publish testimonials on our own website. We have no control at all over what you post publicly with, or without the use of our tool. And we welcome feedback no matter where it is published or how positive or negative it is.

Anonymity & Private Feedback

If you use our tool, we do have the ability to link your feedback to your reservation, even if you do not provide any identifying details.

If this is not desirable, or you do not wish us to use your feedback for any purpose except to notify us of something you feel we need to know, you should instead email us at

Your comment will still be reviewed by Rosemary, and we will make changes if we need to. But we won't automatically know who you are, and we won't be able to link you to your reservation.