Drag Show Etiquette

Dos and Don'ts when you come to a Drag Show

When you come to a drag show, there are some rules you should definitely be familiar with. This article spells them out. Don't break the rules. Drag queens have magical powers to create joy. Also to destroy. Don't be the one that gets destroyed. It can be quite painful.

Do not touch the face of a drag queen. Ever. 

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It takes hours to do that makeup. Seriously, if you even brush it you will die. Just keep everything far away from the face of a Drag Queen. Especially your hands. 

Also do not touch the wig.

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Drag wigs are elaborate, architectural and sculptural pieces of art. They take hours to style and are actually very valuable. It you touch the hair the very least you can expect is some sharp words.

And if you attempt a wig-snatch, we will intervene, and you and your entire party will be ejected with no possibility of a refund. That's after the entire cast give you "The Stare". It will turn you to stone. 


Our performers expect you to respond to them in a risqué way when interacting with them, particularly during the show. But watch them carefully: they are trained to give subtle cues about what is fine, and where the line is.

You are not a drag queen

They are fabulous, and you are fabulous, but remember, you are not in the show, and they are. Never try to upstage a Queen and especially don't try to steal the limelight. Things work out unfavorably for most who get between a Queen and her audience.


These are big strong women with insult training

Don't forget under all that makeup and padding is an athletic man who can stay in heels for 12 hours plus and not batt an eyelash. 

They know how to protect themselves and they are strong. On top of that, they have sharp tongues from their training in Shade.

You don't want to pick a fight with them... they always win. You will lose. Trust us, we lose routinely just by saying good morning on a show day the wrong way. 

Bear these tips in mind, and welcome to Brunch. It will be one of the best things you do this year.

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