
Our check-in process is easy, but your best choice is to visit our pre-show lounge and avoid the lines.

When you arrive at the Saguaro Hotel please enter through reception. Follow the marked signs to the PS Drag Brunch check-in. Hotel staff will identify you against the list, and escort you to your table.

Hotel staff will also confirm that any children with you have been pre-registered. Minors require parental consent and additional waivers to attend. Your check-in process may be slowed down if you present with children we were not expecting and therefore have to explain these and get signatures on the day.

Pre-show lounge

We offer a lounge with a bar which opens 30 minutes before your check-in begins. We recommend you go there and get a drink. While you will likely meet a drag queen at the lounge, the real benefit is you won't have to wait in line to check in. Instead, we will come and get you when your table is ready and escort you straight in.

specified. Arriving late

If you are arriving late, let us know. We will be able to accommodate you for a maximum of 1 hour past the opening of check-in. After that, we will not be able to provide the whole experience, and there may be reductions in our ability to serve a whole 3-course brunch. If you are 45 minutes late or more, you will also miss some of the show.